June 2021 Meeting Minutes – draft

MINUTES June 14, 2021

Committee Members:

Chairman: Gerard K., Co-Chair: Michael K., Secretary: Michael C., Accountant: Seri Auditor: Michael S., Chips and literature Nikki. General Services Representative: Leonard L., Grapevine: John G., Intergroup Rep: Jesse G., Supplies: Mike H., Telephone List: Tommy R., Webmaster: Todd S., Zoom Coordinator: Michael P (13)

1. Call to order

Chairman Gerard K. opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with the Serenity Prayer and read the Mission statement. The Twelve Traditions of AA were read. 

2. Roll Call

            Secretary Michael C did the role call.

The following secretaries in attendance: In-person meetings: Mon 530pm Tuesday 830, noon, 430, 6pm: Wednesday  8am, 830am, 8pm:  Thursday 7am, Noon, 6:30: Friday 7am, 530, 7pm; Sat: 7am, 830am, 1:30pm, 8pm. Zoom: Mon noon, 5:30pm: Tuesday 7am 8:30am, 10am: Wednesday Noon: Friday  10am, 7pm (hybrid): Sunday 7am, 10am

28  Secretaries and 15 members at large (45)

3. Gerard- Open Positions on the Steering Committee:  

We need 3 positions filled Treasurer, Maintenance, and Cleaning Coordinator. Gerard described each of the positions and what they entail.  Asked for volunteer. Positions remain open.

4. Secretary Reportā€”Michael C

            Michael C read the draft of the minutes from May 10 Steering Committee.   After discussion, the minutes were voted and accepted after adding PENDING to the first sentence under New Business regarding the updating of the bylaws change.  That change was added to the FINAL draft of those minutes.

5. Co-Chair Report: Michael K: Reported that the CDC and the state of California have reduced their COVID restrictions therefore the meeting room can go into full open mode beginning Tuesday June 15th and masks are required indoors only by people who are not vaccinated.

Gerard said we will continue to spray the room and we are implementing the honor system regarding vaccination. Individual meetings do their own group conscience to be more stringent if they want.

A member asked if signage to these updates would be put on the desk and the door for the secretaries. Michael K said he would do that.  

Member asked if we called NY about the outside issue of mask wearing.

6. Chairman Report-Gerard K

Update on the moving.

Looking at a number of places and the challenge is size, location and parking.

We looked at and talked with the management of a suite to the left of the old Mor Furniture store in the Canyon Plaza shopping center. There are 600 parking spots. The other spot was over at 559 Palm Canyon next to Revivals. Parking looks like it might be a problem and the location itself isnā€™t seen as save, but they will talk to the management and get a look inside and report back.

Member: wanted to know what power/process the committee has to make decisions. The last time when moving from Steinmart to Vons, the space was found, available for members to see and voted on by the meeting membership at a special meeting.

Member: Asked if our being designated as ā€œessential serviceā€ will be seen differently if we were to move to Cathedral City. Itā€™s a state issue not a city.

Member; Looking at ground level? Yes.

Member: Raised the issue of the new building is not Palm Springs versus Cathedral City. Some discussion took place.

Member: Will the extra money be used for constructionā€”Yes.

Member: Can we buy a building? Open for future -discussion. We have a time constraint to move from Vons.

7. Treasurers Report: VACANT

Jody K gave the financial report for last month.  Motion was made, seconded and approved by group.

8. Auditor-Michael S

            Michael gave report. Everything is fine with the accounting. Secretaries need to submit envelope even if they donā€™t bring in money.

9. Zoom Coordinator

            Michael P said as the rooms are starting to open up and he is helping with the transition from Zoom to live or hybrid.

10. Chips and Literature 

            Nikkiā€”Replaced books and refilled pamphlets. Central office has new laminated packets for meetings starting out.  Meeting in a pocket $1. A nice guide to have handy. Available also at Central Office.

11. General Service Representative: Leonard L

Leonard attended GSR meeting on Zoom (5 hours). Process for updating the Big Book to the 5th edition has begun. Eliminating sexist language, and GOD as neutral, and ā€œmen and womenā€ as ā€œpeopleā€ (which has already been done).  

12. Grapevine: John G.

            John G reported he is now able to download resources as a new grapevine rep. He wanted to know more about the process of donated subscription for 1year celebrants and how that was done.  Announcements can be made at the meeting level by secretaries. Discussion among members was had about this.

13. Intergroup: Jesse G

            There are 2 new paid positions at NY GSO available: 1. Is the grapevine publisher and  2. Class A trustee (non-alcoholic). Wellness in the Desert is homeless shelter needs people to bring meeting Friday a 1p.  Contributions are down across the Valley.

14. Telephone-Tommy

            Working on updates. Tommy will post signs for updates. Cross over with Zoom.

15. Webmaster: Todd S.

            Todd reported we are getting people using the ā€œcontact usā€ link on the site. For the room search we are mapping out, voluntarily, membersā€™ address to see where people live to help with the search committee.

16. Introduce New Accountant  

            Sari said hi and glad to be on the committee and transitioning with the outgoing accountant.

Gerard: Need to make motion to accept, Jodyā€™s resignation and thank him for his service. So moved, voted, and accepted.


Two other things:

  1. We Never voted to accept the $30k. we can save that for next month. Its sitting in the savings account so its not going anywhere. We will table this for next month.
  • Last month there was a motion made for secretaries to bring back to your meetings to discuss the changing of the bylaws. Since we are running out time there are 2 things that can be doneā€”one is that since later in the year we’re going to do a By-laws review we can save it for that time and continue as we are with Michael on the executive committee (which was Gerard suggestion). Anyone has any thoughts on that.

Member asked to get clarification of what is on the table.

Gerard reminded the group about adding a few lines to the bylaws. Michael P shared on the screen the highlighted sections to be changed.  Article 4 and Article 6 include the addition of the Zoom Coordinator onto the Executive Committee.

Member asked for still more clarification about process.

Michael P, said this issue was pitched last month to change the bylaws and therefore a vote could be made tonight to change the bylaws.  4 months ago, the position was created by the executive committee but by law were not changed. To follow the amendment that Todd S brought up earlier, a vote needs to be had to change the bylaws.

A motion was being proposed to amend the bylaws

Member indicated strong hesitation about the change and didnā€™t understand why this position would be added to executive committee rather than the regular committee. Michael P responded by saying the position was created 4 months ago and passed by the executive committee at the time, when there was no steering committee. The motion on the floor is to accept to change in bylaws.

Member: A point of order: The executive committee then doesnā€™t have the power to change itself.

Gerard: 4 months ago, there was no steering committee. That was the logic.

Member would like to table. There is a motion on the floor and seconded to change the bylaws to add the Zoom Coordinator to the Executive Committee.

A blind pole was launched by Michael P. Someone pointed out that voting should only be done by secretaries and that the members at large would be erroneously included in the pole. 

The pole was terminated. 

Upon further reflection Michael P. reading from the bylaws, said in order to make an amendment it needs to be in writing.  He proposed we send out to all the secretaries in writing the proposed bylaws change and hold a vote next month to vote with secretaries only.

Gerard: We have to table the motion.

Member: Removed his motion to vote on the bylaw change.

Point of order: Next month we need to raise this issue and have discussion. Then individual secretaries then bring the issue to their meetings and have group conscience and bring that back to the following months steering committee

Motion to table was made, voted and accepted.


Meeting closed with Serenity Prayer at 7:44pm.

Thank you for letting me be of service.

Michael C Secretary